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Note :

All the projects below are available on my github account.

This project is a MAS (Multi agent system) written in c++ that uses the Allegro library for the display. Each green stick has to behave with a pack behavior.

Project MAS
Project Tower

Tower is a genetic algorithm application. It aimes to recreate the natural process of evolution through simplified rules. The Tower in the middle of the scene constantly defends itself against waves of bots using randomly placed weapons. These weapons represent the genes that will vary between individuals. As the program keeps running, it will try to keep the best-fitted tower to create children and keep going with the simulation.

This little game consists in an implementation of the A* algorithm. It allows the black box to find the shortest path to the green box. The green box is controlled by the player in real time.

A star

This application can detect the edges of a picture and return the corresponding picture. To detect the edges, there are different thresholding methods: hysteresis and maximum gradient are available.

Edge detector

Application designed to proceduraly create a terrain with a perlin noise.

Terrain Generator
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